Wolfgang Reimann

as of 07/05/24

About Wolfgang Reimann

Wolfgang Reimann and three of his siblings and three of his siblings own 95% of Luxembourg-based investment firm JAB Holding Company s.? r.l (JAB).

Upon the death of their father in 1984, Wolfgang and eight other heirs each inherited 11.1% of JAB; five of them subsequently divested their stakes.

The brands associated with the Reimann fortune include Pret A Manger, Krispy Kreme donuts, Peet's Coffee and Panera Bread.

Wolfgang is a descendant of chemist Ludwig Reimann, who, in 1828, joined with Johann Adam Benckiser and his namesake chemical company.

JAB made its first foray into the pet care sector in 2019 with the acquisition of Compassion-First Pet Hospitals.

Personal stats



Source of wealth

Consumer goods


Passau, Germany

Birth date

10/04/52 (age 71)


inherited and growing

Wolfgang Reimann’s fortune is worth


troy ounces of gold


median U.S. household


median U.S. income


U.S. credit card volume


GDP of the United States


United States debt

Net worth history

Annual ranking

Did you know?

In 2016, the Reimanns commissioned a study which revealed close ties between their family, its business and the Nazi regime during World War II.

Net worth over time

Real-time ranking

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