Thor Bjorgolfsson
as of 02/07/25
About Thor Bjorgolfsson
Thor Bjorgolfsson owns stakes in such businesses as Swiss pharmaceutical company Xantis and Chilean telecom WOM.
Bjorgolfsson also has investments in cryptocurrencies and startups Zwift, Deliveroo and Stripe.
Bjorgolfsson made his first fortune in the wilds of Russia, cofounding Bravo brewery and creating the popular Botchkarov beer brand.
He sold it to Heineken in 2002 and used the proceeds to go on a buying spree in his native Iceland and Eastern Europe.
He lost nearly all of his fortune when Iceland nearly went bankrupt in 2008 and he had to find a way to pay off more than $1 billion in debt.
Personal stats
IcelandSource of wealth
London, United KingdomMarital status
MarriedBirth date
03/19/67 (age 57)Number of children
Bachelor of Arts/Science, New York UniversitySelf-made
self-madeThor Bjorgolfsson’s fortune is worth

troy ounces of gold

median U.S. household

median U.S. income

U.S. credit card volume

GDP of the United States

United States debt
Net worth history
Annual ranking
Did you know?
His great-grandfather Thor Jensen was one of Iceland's first entrepreneurs, who survived bankruptcy twice and was later one of Iceland's largest landowners.
Net worth over time
Real-time ranking
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