Reinhold Wuerth & family
$195.4M (-0.6%)
as of 02/07/25
About Reinhold Wuerth & family
Reinhold Wuerth entered his father's wholesale screw business in 1949, at age 14, as the company's second employee and first apprentice.
He took the reins in 1954 and honed a competitive advantage by delivering goods directly to customers on construction sites and in mechanical shops.
Today, with annual sales of over $16 billion, the Wuerth Group has more than 400 companies and 83,000 employees around the world.
Reinhold retired in 1994, but he still serves as chairman of the supervisory board of the Wuerth Group's family trusts.
Daughter Bettina Wuerth is chairwoman of the advisory board of Wuerth Group.
Personal stats
GermanySource of wealth
Kuenzelsau, GermanyMarital status
MarriedBirth date
04/20/35 (age 89)Number of children
self-madeReinhold Wuerth & family’s fortune is worth

troy ounces of gold

median U.S. household

median U.S. income

U.S. credit card volume

GDP of the United States

United States debt
Net worth history
Annual ranking
Did you know?
An avid aviator, Wuerth was president of a German flying club for nearly 25 years.
Net worth over time
Real-time ranking
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