Ray Dalio
Founder & CIO Mentor, Bridgewater Associates
as of 01/19/25
About Ray Dalio
Ray Dalio is the founder of the world's biggest hedge fund firm, Bridgewater Associates, which manages $112 billion.
Dalio stepped down as CEO in 2017 and retired as co-CIO in 2022, completing a transition that transferred majority control to the hedge fund's board.
Dalio grew up in a middle class Long Island neighborhood and started playing the markets at age 12, getting tips from golfers for whom he caddied.
In 1975, after earning an MBA from Harvard Business School, he launched Bridgewater from his two-bedroom New York City apartment.
Dalio has given more than $1 billion to philanthropic causes. His Dalio Philanthropies has supported microfinance and public education.
Personal stats
United States of AmericaSource of wealth
Hedge fundsResidence
Greenwich, ConnecticutMarital status
MarriedBirth date
08/08/49 (age 75)Number of children
Master of Business Administration, Harvard Business School; Bachelor of Arts/Science, Long Island UniversitySelf-made
self-madeRay Dalio’s fortune is worth
troy ounces of gold
median U.S. household
median U.S. income
U.S. credit card volume
GDP of the United States
United States debt
Net worth history
Annual ranking
Did you know?
In 2017, Dalio published "Principles: Life & Work," a New York Times bestseller that codifies his principles.
Net worth over time
Real-time ranking
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