Nathan Kirsh
as of 02/18/25
About Nathan Kirsh
The bulk of Nathan "Natie" Kirsh's fortune comes from U.S.-based Jetro Holdings, which owns restaurant supply stores Jetro Cash and Carry and Restaurant Depot.
Kirsh owns 70% of the company, which supplies wholesale goods to bodegas, small stores and restaurants in the United States.
Kirsh made his first fortune in his native Swaziland, where he launched a corn milling business in 1958.
He expanded into wholesale food distribution in apartheid South Africa, and then into supermarkets and commercial property development.
Personal stats
Source of wealth
Retail, real estateResidence
EzulwiniMarital status
MarriedBirth date
01/06/32 (age 93)Number of children
Bachelor of Arts/Science, University of WitwatersrandSelf-made
self-madeNathan Kirsh’s fortune is worth

troy ounces of gold

median U.S. household

median U.S. income

U.S. credit card volume

GDP of the United States

United States debt
Net worth history
Annual ranking
Did you know?
Kirsh's charitable efforts focus on Swaziland, where he has supplied more than 12,000 people with starter capital for small businesses.
Net worth over time
Real-time ranking
Financial assets
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