Michael Bloomberg

CEO, Bloomberg
as of 02/07/25

About Michael Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg cofounded financial information and media company Bloomberg LP in 1981.

He put in the seed funding for the company and now owns 88% of the business, which has estimated revenues north of $13 billion.

In August 2023, he appointed product head Vlad Kliatchko as CEO of Bloomberg LP and former Bank of England governor Mark Carney as non-executive chair of a new board of directors.

Bloomberg got his start on Wall Street in 1966 with an entry level job at investment bank Salomon Brothers. He was fired 15 years later.

A major philanthropist, he gave away $3 billion in 2023, and has donated more than $17.4 billion in his lifetime to gun safety, climate change, education and other causes.

He has committed to donating his stake in Bloomberg LP to Bloomberg Philanthropies when he dies, if not sooner.

Bloomberg served as mayor of New York City for 12 years, from 2002 to 2013, and launched an unsuccessful bid for president in the 2020 race.

Personal stats


United States of America

Source of wealth

Bloomberg LP


New York, New York

Marital status

In Relationship

Birth date

02/14/42 (age 82)

Number of children



Master of Business Administration, Harvard Business School; Bachelor of Arts/Science, Johns Hopkins University



Michael Bloomberg’s fortune is worth


troy ounces of gold


median U.S. household


median U.S. income


U.S. credit card volume


GDP of the United States


United States debt

Net worth history

Annual ranking

Did you know?

As a teenager, Bloomberg worked at an electronics company in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Net worth over time

Real-time ranking

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