Laurene Powell Jobs & family
About Laurene Powell Jobs & family
Laurene Powell Jobs inherited her fortune--mostly shares of Walt Disney and Apple--from her late husband, Apple cofounder Steve Jobs, who died in 2011.
Powell Jobs is the founder and president of Emerson Collective, an impact investing, philanthropy and advocacy firm focused on environmental justice, health, immigration and education.
Powell Jobs purchased part of The Atlantic in 2017 and has invested in other media outlets and nonprofit newsrooms, including Axios, ProPublica and the Committee to Protect Journalists.
She owns a minority stake in Monumental Sports, parent of the Wizards (NBA), Capitals (NHL), and Mystics (WNBA) and in 2022 invested in the WNBA's first-ever capital raise.
In 2021 she launched the Waverley Street Foundation and committed to donate $3 billion over a decade to organizations addressing climate change through innovative solutions and environmental justice.
Personal stats
United States of AmericaSource of wealth
Apple, DisneyResidence
United States of AmericaMarital status
WidowedBirth date
11/06/63 (age 61)Number of children
Master of Business Administration, Stanford Graduate School of Business; Bachelor of Arts/Science, University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton SchoolSelf-made
inheritedLaurene Powell Jobs & family’s fortune is worth

troy ounces of gold

median U.S. household

median U.S. income

U.S. credit card volume

GDP of the United States

United States debt
Net worth history
Annual ranking
Did you know?
Laurene Powell Jobs met her late husband Steve Jobs at Stanford U's business school when she attended a guest lecture he gave. He asked her out in the parking lot.
Net worth over time
Real-time ranking
Financial assets
Apple$9.9BNYSE | DIS-US
Walt Disney$650.8MImages © Forbes.com. All rights reserved.