Jacqueline Mars
$102.2M (0.2%)
as of 01/25/25
About Jacqueline Mars
Jacqueline Mars owns an estimated one-third of Mars, the candy, food and pet care firm founded by her grandfather.
She worked for the company for nearly 20 years and served on the board until 2016.
Her son Stephen Badger is on Mars' board of directors.
Mars serves on the board of the National Archives and was formerly on the board of the Washington National Opera.
Her brother John owns an estimated third of Mars; her late brother Forrest Jr.'s four daughters own the rest.
Personal stats
United States of AmericaSource of wealth
Candy, pet foodResidence
The Plains, VirginiaMarital status
DivorcedBirth date
10/10/39 (age 85)Number of children
Bachelor of Arts/Science, Bryn Mawr CollegeSelf-made
inheritedJacqueline Mars’s fortune is worth
troy ounces of gold
median U.S. household
median U.S. income
U.S. credit card volume
GDP of the United States
United States debt
Net worth history
Annual ranking
Did you know?
Mars owns a horse farm in Virginia that has trained horses ridden by Olympic medalists.
Net worth over time
Real-time ranking
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