Harry Triguboff
$43M (-0.2%)
as of 02/07/25
About Harry Triguboff
Harry Triguboff is one of Australia's richest people. Born in Dalian, China to Russian parents, he came to Australia as a teenager.
Triguboff found success in business by providing higher-density living options in Sydney, Australia's largest city, which has traditionally been dominated by free-standing homes.
His apartment-tower development company, Meriton, has a strong presence in Sydney, while it also has an imprint in southeast Queensland.
He was one of Australia's first developers to see the potential of apartment living when most of his countrymen aspired to single-family homes.
Nicknamed "High Rise Harry" he has put up more than 79,000 apartments.
Personal stats
AustraliaSource of wealth
Real estateResidence
Sydney, AustraliaMarital status
MarriedBirth date
03/03/33 (age 91)Number of children
Bachelor of Arts/Science, University of LeedsSelf-made
self-madeHarry Triguboff’s fortune is worth

troy ounces of gold

median U.S. household

median U.S. income

U.S. credit card volume

GDP of the United States

United States debt
Net worth history
Annual ranking
Did you know?
He built his first apartment block in the Sydney suburb of Gladesville.
Net worth over time
Real-time ranking
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