Hang Xu
as of 11/09/22
About Hang Xu
Xu Hang is cofounder and non-executive director of Mindray Medical International, a supplier of medical devices.
Mindray, founded in 1991, is headquartered in Shenzhen.
Xu holds a bachelor's degree from Tsinghua University's Department of Computer Science and Technology.
Xu also holds a master's degree in biomedical engineering from the Tsinghua University Department of Electrical Engineering.
Xu has also earned an EMBA degree from China-Europe International Business School.
Personal stats
Hong KongSource of wealth
medical devicesResidence
Shenzhen, People's Republic of ChinaBirth date
05/22/66 (age 58)Self-made
self-madeHang Xu’s fortune is worth
troy ounces of gold
median U.S. household
median U.S. income
U.S. credit card volume
GDP of the United States
United States debt
Net worth history
Annual ranking
Net worth over time
Real-time ranking
Financial assets
SHENZHEN | 300760-CN
Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical ElectronicsSHENZHEN | 300760-CN
Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical ElectronicsImages © Forbes.com. All rights reserved.