Dieter Schwarz
About Dieter Schwarz
Dieter Schwarz's Schwarz Group, with revenue of over $160 billion, is comprised of the Kaufland and Lidl (rhymes with needle) discount supermarkets.
Schwarz inherited the company from his father, Josef, who became a partner in Suedfruechte Grosshandel Lidl & Co., a fruit wholesaler, in 1930.
Dieter opened the first Lidl store in 1973, became CEO in 1977 when Josef died, and built Schwarz Group into Europe's largest retail empire, with 500,000 employees.
Lidl entered the U.S. in 2017, promising to convince consumers to "Rethink Grocery." Its stores are mostly in Virginia and North and South Carolina.
Schwarz Group is owned by a foundation, technically a limited liability company, but Dieter maintains full control and is the effective owner.
Personal stats
GermanySource of wealth
Neckarsulm, GermanyMarital status
MarriedBirth date
09/24/39 (age 85)Number of children
inherited and growingDieter Schwarz’s fortune is worth
troy ounces of gold
median U.S. household
median U.S. income
U.S. credit card volume
GDP of the United States
United States debt
Net worth history
Annual ranking
Did you know?
The Dieter Schwarz Foundation supports education and daycare facilities for children, as well as science and research projects.
Net worth over time
Real-time ranking
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