David Reuben

as of 07/05/24

About David Reuben

Brothers David and Simon Reuben built a fortune in real estate and technology.

In 2016, they sold 49% of their data center business, GlobalSwitch, to a consortium of Chinese investors for nearly $3 billion.

The brothers were born in Mumbai and raised in the U.K., where David started off trading metals and Simon imported carpets and bought real estate.

They sold a further 25% of the business in 2018 to a consortium of Asian institutional and private investors for $2.7 billion.

The brothers were born in Mumbai and raised in the U.K., where David started off trading metals and Simon imported carpets and bought real estate.

The Reuben family owns an estimated 14% of Premier League's Newcastle United F.C. David's son Jamie serves as a director for the football club.

Their firm Transworld, a metals trader, invested in Russia and Kazakhstan in the 1990s and was active in trading aluminum.

Personal stats


United Kingdom

Source of wealth

Investments, real estate


London, United Kingdom

Marital status


Birth date

09/01/38 (age 85)

Number of children




David Reuben’s fortune is worth


troy ounces of gold


median U.S. household


median U.S. income


U.S. credit card volume


GDP of the United States


United States debt

Net worth history

Annual ranking

Did you know?

David Reuben resides part time in Monaco and Florida.

Net worth over time

Real-time ranking

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