Carl Cook
$164.4M (-1.5%)
as of 02/07/25
About Carl Cook
Carl Cook took over as CEO of his parents' medical device manufacturer, Cook Group, when his father Bill died in 2011.
The $2.4 billion (sales) company sold one of its subsidiaries Cook Pharmica to drug delivery technology company Catalent for $950 million in 2017.
Cook's parents started the business in their Bloomington, Indiana apartment in 1963.
Cook is the president of a life sciences division called Cook MyoSite, which is developing a cell therapy to treat urinary incontinence.
Personal stats
United States of AmericaSource of wealth
Medical devicesResidence
Bloomington, IndianaMarital status
MarriedBirth date
08/19/62 (age 62)Education
Bachelor of Arts/Science, Purdue University; Master of Business Administration, Tippie School of ManagementSelf-made
inherited and growingCarl Cook’s fortune is worth

troy ounces of gold

median U.S. household

median U.S. income

U.S. credit card volume

GDP of the United States

United States debt
Net worth history
Annual ranking
Did you know?
With $1,500, Bill Cook bought a soldering iron, a blowtorch and plastic tubing and made then-new cardiovascular catheters.
Net worth over time
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