Artur Grynbaum
as of 02/18/25
About Artur Grynbaum
Artur Grynbaum is the brother-in-law of Miguel Krigsner, who founded Brazil's second-largest cosmetics company Grupo Boticario.
Grynbaum joined as a financial assistant and worked his way up to president of the group by 2008. He owns about 20% of the company.
Grupo Boticario operates in more than 50 countries; Krigsner individually owns approximately 80% of the business.
Today, Krigsner and Grynbaum serve as president and vice president, respectively, of the Grupo Boticario advisory board.
In 1990 Krigsner created the Boticario Group Foundation dedicated to environmental protection, which receives about 1% of Grupo Boticario's net income annually.
Personal stats
BrazilSource of wealth
Curitiba, BrazilMarital status
SingleBirth date
03/20/69 (age 55)Self-made
self-madeArtur Grynbaum’s fortune is worth

troy ounces of gold

median U.S. household

median U.S. income

U.S. credit card volume

GDP of the United States

United States debt
Net worth history
Annual ranking
Net worth over time
Real-time ranking
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