Achal Bakeri
$3.1M (0.3%)
as of 01/25/25
About Achal Bakeri
Property developer's son Achal Bakeri branched out into manufacturing in 1988 by borrowing $1,500 from his father.
Today his Bombay Stock Exchange-listed Symphony is the world's biggest producer of air coolers selling 1.2 million units annually in 60 countries.
Symphony also owns Munters Keruilai, a Swedish-Chinese joint venture, which gives it a foothold in China and the Asean region.
In 2018, Symphony expanded its international footprint with the acquisition of Climate Technologies, an Australian air cooling firm.
Personal stats
IndiaSource of wealth
air coolersResidence
Ahmedabad, IndiaMarital status
MarriedBirth date
01/09/60 (age 65)Number of children
Master of Business Administration, Marshall School of BusinessSelf-made
self-madeAchal Bakeri’s fortune is worth
troy ounces of gold
median U.S. household
median U.S. income
U.S. credit card volume
GDP of the United States
United States debt
Net worth history
Annual ranking
Did you know?
Symphony air coolers are used in such places as the walkways at Heathrow airport, Wal-Mart stores and temples in India.
Net worth over time
Real-time ranking
Financial assets
BSE INDIA | 517385-IN
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